Getting Started with MBER

We have designed this website to serve three functions. First, it is a repository of the MBER-Bio curriculum that our team and other members have designed as well as a number of other resources to support you in teaching (see MBER Essentials). Second, it is a community space meant to enable interaction on forums among teachers using MBER-Bio. And finally, it is a personal design space allowing you to customize and archive your own version of MBER-Bio. 

On this Getting Started page you will find overviews and explanations of different features of the website. To get a sense of the full MBER-Bio curriculum resources package, it is best to view the Year At A Glance page to get acquainted with the material and explore the models and related activities. Don't miss the curriculum subway map on the bottom of both the Year at a Glance page and the Home page because it provides a high level overview of the entire year! Once you have a sense of the sequence and models you can use the Add to My Curriculum buttons to bring specific parts of the curriculum into your own design space. On the My Curriculum page you'll find a calendar, a variety of options to search website content, and you'll find the items you added to your curriculum in a drag-n-drop table format. It's important to note that you cannot change anything that someone else has written, instead you may clone it, rename it, then edit anything and everything. Once you complete this task, you must add this new content to your curriculum (see how to clone video).

As you explore the content in the Year at a Glance space you will find many links to the MBER Essentials page and the tools on it. We encourage you to explore those resources as well. The Forums are there to connect you to other teachers to ask a question, share a success or explore new ideas. Happy modeling!